NM mountain weather on a dime. Snow is in the forecast.
In my RV kitchen: Cinnamon roles rising in the oven.
My camp coffee pot has perked, so let’s get down to it.
Political Side: More on the Cult of the Messiah’s connection with rights for terrorists.
http://www.marklevinshow.com. This is also a free download in the evening.
Depending on your situation, your RV is a bug out solution, a second home parked in an out of the way place (as some do here in this mountain park) or you’re going full time. When I was a working camper connected to the Workamper Network, I met a lot of people that had gone full time as an RV’er due to job layoff’s and suddenly discovering that home with the big payment was no longer a good idea, be they families or singles, we all shared the same idea. We are in charge of our our own lives, the government screws up everything it touches, and no we don’t want to rent. After what I went through to sell my over mortgaged home at start of the housing crisis fueled by the media, and the quiet downfall of CITI (bought by Arab Emirates,) to this day I still don’t know if want to be a property owner, and a future source of over taxation. For now I’d rather turn my rig into the ultimate boondocker and get ready for power outages to come, created by the Cult of the Messiah, Green Shirts.
Living in the house at the time, depressed over hubby, scared of what my foreclosure pock marked subdivision had become, after towing the RV home, parking it in my driveway, I discovered the home owners association from hell. Weird thinking on their part: let the abandoned home next door sit empty for months before the bank took repossession, kids vandalized the home in midst of me chasing them off, but park a nice pretty RV on your property and look out. I reached my limit when the only place I felt safe was in the 5’er I named iRV. From a home health patient I found a membership resort, stowed what I couldn’t do without (this is the hardest part) and had an all weekend estate sale. Paid down the principle with that, worked as a home health nurse based out of the resort while renting the house out, and sold that home after burying a St. Joseph’s statue under the front steps, saying my prayer every day, armed with a gutsy realtor after five prospective buyers and finally sold to that fifth buyer that was on her second lender. All I have to say is, thank you Cynthia Farmer of the Realty Place in Adkins, Texas. I couldn’t have done it without you. That St. Joseph resides in an honored place in my RV home-office on a path to financial independence.
In the three years I was working towards full time RV’er status, my rig was parked at Lake Point RV Resort at Canyon Lake, Texas. This is a nice place for full timer RV’ers, tourists or a stop over. What you will find there is most important, Full Timer’s that have long ago shucked homes and squabbling neighbors for a life on the road. If you listen to these guys, you learn A to Z about your rig. Probably the best memory I have of Lake Point is learning to park. Every site in that resort has a different approach and there were a few times when it was taking me an hour to get backed in and find out I had an audience of campers just letting me do my thing. Help was there if I asked. Thanks guys.
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